Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 11

Hello to everyone from Antigua! Today’s blog is written by Alana and Betsy, as Tutor and Phil deserve a day off. We headed off to our fourth day of VBS, and the theme today was “The Flight.” The story was Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus and all the students were visited by Emily Margraff (an LPS alum and one of the new teachers at St. John’s) dressed as Saul. The kids loved her dramatic acting! After devouring our lunch of homemade pizza, we broke into small groups, each with an LYC guide and walked into town to do some shopping. Many souvenirs were purchased including steel pans, six soccer jerseys (guess who), and numerous bracelets. Many of us also stopped by the ice cream shop Ron Pile works at, Gelato, and enjoyed some gourmet ice cream. It was a great afternoon! After walking back up the hill to the church, we had another pan practice and practiced singing our songs for the youth service on Sunday. For supper, we were served an authentic Antiguan meal of ducana, cooked spinach, breadfruit and salt fish. Ducana is a mixture of sweet potatoes, coconut, sugar and flour that is baked in aluminum foil and tastes something like oatmeal. After dinner, we came back to the house accompanied by our two friends Laura-Lee and Lesroy and enjoyed the evening playing games and listening to music. The most eventful part of the evening was the slaying of a whole whopping five cockroaches (a record high for one day). There was morning and there was evening, the 11th day.

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